Grenfell Family

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Dunach School 1901
Richard Grenfell (Teacher) on right with Myra standing in front of her Father.
Irene is the sixth from the right (head only showing).
The Grenfell boys are Cyril -- fourth from left back row, Cliff -- 1st on right back row, Sydney -- 5th from left middle row.


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Grandma Katherine Grenfell holding Cliff Stenning, 1922.

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Dunach School Honour Roll now erected at Talbot A.N.A. Hall, Victoria.


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Cliff Grenfell (fourth from left) at Mena Camp, Egypt, April 1915.

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Effie Grenfell holding Cliff Stenning, 1923.


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Honour Roll for Cliff Grenfell - killed at Lone Pine, Gallipoli, 7th August, 1915.

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Lone Pine Memorial at Gallipoli

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